And it just looks so pathetic for people to brag about how much 'capitalism innovates!'. These fucking people are pathetic and will never get it. The re-rise of piracy has warmed my heart. Why the fuck would we want to pay for like, a CBS streaming service for like a single CBS show we'd want to watch, and then do that for everything? we were willing to pay for Netflix and everything to be in one place. then all the million companies that leased content to Netflix got greedy and every decided 'Aha! I will just run my own streaming network!'. Netflix proved for a while there that people were perfectly willing to pay for media. Still, I can't help but smile at how they fuck things up. And again, still, after 20 years, just trying to sue modern technology out of existence. again, its the RIAA and MPAA, after 20 years, still refusing to innovate (ironically, what CaPiTaLiSm is supposed to be good at) a new business strategy that considers the modern technological world and what the consumers want.